Viviana Tipiani es una profesional, Licenciada en traducción e interpretación, miembro de la ATA (American Translation Association) y IAPTI (International Association of Professional Translators and Interpreters) con más de 18 años de experiencia con sede en Lima, Perú.
Sus idiomas de trabajo principales son inglés y alemán. También trabaja en cabina española desde el francés y portugués.
Viviana se especializa en temas como medio ambiente; energía; marketing; educación; cooperación / desarrollo / organismos internacionales y gestión de riesgo ante desastre.

Tiene experiencia en finanzas; banca; pesca; recursos humanos; y áreas técnicas como maquinaria; minería; legal; economía; turismo; agricultura, etc.
Es una profesional 4.0 en constante actualización y conocedora de los últimos avances en tecnología aplicada a la profesión; participa de forma presencial y virtual en diferentes talleres y cursos de capacitación continua.
Nancy Usina
External Consultant: Simultaneous interpreter Infosys Top qualities: Great Results, Personable, Good Value
Viviana is an excellent professional, she has good attitude, she accept challenges and the results are excellent , Viviana work well in a team as alone. As customer I can recommend her as an excellent professional in her area.
Gerald Burke
Siemens instructor
You have my highest recommendation. One of the most skilled and talented interpreters/translators I have worked with in years
Daphne, colleague
Viviana is detail oriented and very demanding at work, but she gives as she demands. Great partner to work with and a professional who seeks to support our profession through other activities. Perfect complement to our profession. We need more like her.
Global translate
Top qualities: Great Results , Expert , On Time
We have experienced Viviana Tipiani as very flexible and reliable, always delivering the translations on time. We have always received high quality documents, allowing us to provide our clients with excellent translations. We have no hesitation in recommending Viviana as a translator and proofreader.
Peter Rosset
Top qualities: Great Results, Personable, High Integrity
Viviana is an excellent interpreter (Spanish-English-Spanish) and translator (English=>Spanish). We have used her services many times, and have always been very satisfied. She is very personable and responsible. We have paid her ticket to travel to other countries in Latin America and Africa because of the high quality of her work.